Upcoming Healing Services | Próximos servicios de Sanacion

  • Every 2nd Saturday of the month.

    We start with Praise and worship at exactly 3:00pm

  • Cada segundo Sabado del mes.

    Comenzamos con alabanza y adoración exactamente a las 3:00 p.m.

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

Y he aquí vino un leproso y se postró ante él, diciendo: Señor, si quieres, puedes limpiarme. 

Jesús extendió la mano y le tocó, diciendo: Quiero; sé limpio. Y al instante su lepra desapareció.

Testimonies | Testimonios


I came to healing ceremony NOV-11 accompanied by my sister in law as she has cancer. I never expected to be healed myself. I injured my back 3 mos ago. I go to chiropractor regularly and had started physical therapy. My MRI showed herniated disc pressing on a nerve that runs down to top of my foot. It has been excruciating. While standing before the blessed sacrament I asked Jesus to heal me. When I closed my eyes I could still see the round host very bright which turned into a white cross and then turned to what looked like a dove. I stood for over an hour and suddenly I realized I had no pain in my back It’s now 24 hrs after and still I am without pain. I have stiffness and a little pain in my leg but I know I now can exercise and stretch which I could not do before. I would say I have had 80% healing. I plan on going to confession and at this point expect a 100% healing. Praise Jesus


Tengo dos días con mucho dolor de cabeza que no podía mantener mis ojos abiertos. No se cual es la causa pero en este año he recibido mucha sanación. Los hermanos oraron por mi y comenze a sentir un frío a un lado de mi cabeza y fueron orando y poco a poco el dolor se fue completamente.

Pillar Young adult night

Anything that could’ve gone wrong this day, went wrong. My car even broke down. BUT I knew that I was supposed to go there and what better way to feel uncomfortable and defeated, than in front of Jesus? So in faith, I called an Uber (it was so expensive wahh!!). I felt like it was worth it because then Fr. George heard my confession and I received a lot of graces and healing. After being filled with Holy Spirit, I even had the opportunity to pray over someone who really needed prayer and consolation. All praise to king Jesus!


It was my first time attending a healing Mass. I went with with knee problems. In my left knee my bones were rubbing together. I have no cartilage. In my right knee I had fallen down and felt my knee replacement come apart. It was very,very painful. Even after having three surgeries. At the beginning of mass I felt a warmness come over me, at the same time I was feeling very lightheaded. As the mass continued Father Stewart said "If you can't kneel, kneel now." Even though it was painful I did as he asked. Several people prayed over me. Afterwards I went home, exhausted. I went straight to bed. God almighty, that was the best sleep I had in over 10 years. When I woke up my legs didn't feel heavy or painful. I am now walking around my apartment without my cane. Thank you Jesus.


Yo tenía un dolor en la pelvis que no me permitía sentarme cómodamente, y cuándo el Padre estaba orando yo sentí un caliente que bajaba a la pelvis y sentí un fuego del Espíritu Santo que me estaba aliviando, y cuando el Padre terminó de orar, el dolor desapareció. Le agradezco a Dios por haberme sanado, gloria a su nombre.


Yo sentía un dolor grave en las piernas, y cuando me hinqué en la parroquia, sentí al Señor pasando su mano sanadora sobre mis piernas, y luego cuando me paré, el dolor desapareció en su totalidad. Le agradezco infinitamente a Dios por el milagro que él realizó en mi en su santo templo.

Testimony | Testimonio

Testimonies are important because it help’s all the faithful see what God has done for them and what God can do in others!

¡Los testimonios son importantes porque ayudan a todos los fieles a ver lo que Dios ha hecho por ellos y lo que Dios puede hacer en otros!